Being Happy is a Habit

     Why is it that the same situation can elicit diverse reactions from different individuals? Life is not two-dimensional and can be viewed from several angles to gain varied perspectives. When presented with a problem, there are always multiple choices that can be made. We can choose what is comfortable because it is natural, or we can exert discretionary effort to achieve personal and spiritual growth. Whatever is not innate requires learning and practice; hard work is needed. With repetition, we develop habits that become our new normal and will be what we default to when we encounter challenges. 

     We cannot control what type of emotions we experience, but we can manage them and determine how they make us act. It is essential to develop the right habits to stay centered as we experience the full spectrum of human emotions and experiences. Those who are not by nature optimistic or positive will have a steeper hill to climb and have to put more effort into compensating for it. Developing the habit of being happy is what will keep us at peace, content, and joyful on the inside even if it looks like the walls are caving in on the outside. Happiness is within reach for everyone. It is a choice that we make. It may not be easy for some, but with hard work and developing the right habits, it becomes less formidable.