Defining Happiness

     It may seem that happiness comes more naturally to those who were born optimistic, easy to please, and simply “lucky.” In reality, we all have equal opportunities to live a happy life. It is a choice available to anyone who might want it. Some of us have personalities and natural tendencies that are more compatible with a happier predisposition, but others are not without a chance to experience the same. This is analogous to people born with a higher level of intelligence having an inherent advantage at school and their workplace; their success is not guaranteed, and they are not the only ones who can succeed in life. We are all shaped by our experiences, circumstances, and the people around us. However, what we eventually become depends on what we do with the opportunities presented to us and how we manage the challenges that try to derail us. 

     In every endeavor, we must clearly define our goal for us to take the right path and know how to measure our progress along the way. Many people say they want to live happier lives but often do not know what it is they really want to achieve. How we define happiness will determine the methods we use and the things we seek to help us attain it.