Let Go and Be Truly Free

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1 

     The sun rises and sets whether we want it to or not. Things happen and circumstances change whether we like it or not; many of which we could not predict. Nothing stays the same. Everything is temporary and everyone is transient. Ageing is a good example. We resist it, we dread it, and sometimes, we deny it; but we can never stop it. We become anxious and unhappy when we refuse to accept things as they are. What we need to strive for is the ability to let go of “what was” and let “what is” be. The process of letting go is oftentimes a gradual one. It should not be a knee-jerk response. It is a conscious decision that is executed rationally.   

     Beauty fades, physical strength diminishes, and mental acuity dulls. Wealth, health, and power can be here today and gone tomorrow. Relationships can be warm and satisfying for a period, and then stale and perfunctory over time. We should expect and learn to accept these realities, let go of what’s gone, and make the most of what we have at the moment. We must be open to new ways of dealing with unfamiliar conditions, even if they are uncomfortable now. It is nice to cherish the past, but we cannot let it anchor us to a period that no longer exists and cannot be altered. We should seek to find beauty in the present and enjoy every moment of it. Like crustaceans and reptiles who constantly shed their outer layers and form new ones, we should always be willing and ready to let go of what was or had been and accept what is here and now. Like a butterfly, we should allow the natural process of metamorphosis transform us from a caterpillar to a beautiful, winged insect. Give yourself the chance to be pleasantly surprised by where the new reality may lead you to. We must continually adapt, reinvent ourselves, make new friends, and keep seeking our evolving purpose in life. 

     Do not hold on too tightly to anything or anyone. Do not define yourself based on what you possess or achieved. For what will become of you when these meet their expiration date? This does not mean that you do not give your best and seek success. We are expected to maximize our potential using all the talents God gave us. We are expected to love deeply and work hard to nurture relationships that God blessed us with. Avoiding the pain of losing something or someone is not a justifiable reason to shun being fully dedicated to a cause or investing emotionally in another person. The regret from not doing what you know you are able to do or should do can be more painful and make you lose your joy. Instead, in everything, be fully committed, and with everyone, be sincere. But be cognizant that all we have gained and acquired are gifts from God. They were given to us for a reason, and they may only be needed for a season. Once God has achieved His purpose, He may take them away. When that time comes, we need to be willing to let go with faith and obedience and let God’s will be done. 

     When we hold on to the success we once had, the person we once were, past hurts and mistakes, relationships that have gone cold, and addictions we think we could not live without, we are like a hot air balloon that would not rise because of the weight it has to carry or a ship that would not sail because of the anchor that is dug into the seabed. They keep us from being truly free and from becoming the person God intended us to be. Ultimately, they keep us from achieving happiness and success. Each day, we should try to avoid hoarding hurts, holding on to unnecessary baggage, and keeping other people’s trash they throw at us. Acknowledge the past and manage the present. Let go of what you should and wait on God. Trust Him to help you navigate through the difficult moments as you transition. Do not resist and just let life play out like it was meant to be, and you will know how it feels to be truly free.