Taking Life as Is

     Sometimes, we resist life and say, “This is not how things should be.” Instead of accepting what it brings, we want life to unfold according to how we think it should. Some of us believe that everyone should go to college, get married, have children, and get a high-paying job, even if this path does not match our priorities. Even when we are slowed down by ageing or sidelined by declining health, we sometimes insist that we should continue to function like we always had. Towards some of our friends, we expect them to act like us and think like us, even when they clearly have different personalities and background. At times, we obsess about looking like the person we see on television, even if we know that we do not have the same genetic makeup. In many instances, we set unrealistic expectations based on an arbitrary standard that our fragile minds concocted.  Consequently, our world falls apart and we become disheartened when we fail to meet them. 

     We should live life consciously and pro-actively but make allowance for it to amaze us, by passively letting life play out according to its divine purpose. It is like planting a seed. We till the soil before we sow the seed, then we fertilize and water it regularly. In the meantime, we sit back and wait patiently and expectantly. Not all seeds will germinate, and those that do will grow into different unique shapes and sizes despite what we do. It would be futile to insist on our own design, so it is better not to. 

     Life is beautiful as it is, and we should appreciate it at face value. Even the scars we wear, they tell a story of a life fully lived and reveal the strength of our character that helped us heal and survive. The blend of joyous celebrations and sorrowful afflictions made us more complete and a better version of ourselves. We came into this world empty-handed, hence, we are not entitled to anything. All we had acquired and experienced were gifts from God; it is not for us to demand what they should be. We are just to enjoy the journey we are in and be grateful for everything we were given. We can aspire and inspire change where it may be needed, but we should not force it to happen our way. In whatever circumstances, we should make the most of what we have, find the beauty in every gift, and learn all the lessons that can be learned. 

     Having meaningful relationships in life contribute to our overall happiness. Our family and close friends support us, give us a sense of belonging, and allow us to experience genuine love. They are precious gifts from God, but no one can be everything to us. They are also as imperfect as we are. Hence, we are to accept them for who they are, enjoy the unique love that each one gives, and recognize that they can only give what they have. We should be grateful for whatever they are able to give and not be resentful of what they could not. We should enjoy them as they are and not lose our joy waiting for them to become what we think they should be. The same principle applies to our relationship with ourselves. We are to accept ourselves the way we are and love our uniqueness. We need to learn to love ourselves and others not only because of who we are and the qualities we have, but more importantly, despite of what we are or what we lack. Making mistakes is an important part of our growth. We should be patient and give each other time to learn and mature. In the meantime, we just need to adjust our expectations. No one should recognize a flaw and not work on correcting it. We should influence and inspire people close to us to change when it is needed, and seek to do the same for ourselves, but not wait until we become perfect before we learn to appreciate the good in us and others. Do not set a bar by which we reject ourselves and others when we go below it. If there is any bit of good in someone, we should keep them, value them, and not write them off, and squander a precious gift that God has given us.    

     Life is continuously evolving; that is its very definition. Change ceases when life does. To accept life as it is, is to accept that change is an inevitable part of it. Resisting this by insisting on what life should be, will only lead to frustration and unhappiness. We need to always accept what is true and real at the moment. It is futility to live in the past and dwell on regrets, and wonder about what could have been. It is equally futile to live in the future and drown in anxiety wondering which outcome life would take you. It is more fruitful to accept whatever situation we are in, make no judgement about it, adapt as best as we can, and make the most of the gift of life that we were given. Seeking to make the most of every moment gives us a sense of purpose that could help us cope with the negative impact of some changes. Life does not have to be perfect for us to be happy. We can always find a reason to be happy if we will it; some are obvious while others require eyes that are willing to see. Acknowledging that the world owes us nothing, helps us to be more grateful for the small things that we can enjoy. A willingness to see God’s fingerprints in every circumstance, even in the most insignificant ones, would leave us in awe of God’s love and remind us of His constant presence around us. This gives us a sense of security, comfort, and peace. Being grateful for life as is, despite the challenges or lack, helps us enjoy living and be truly happy.     

     I am generally very happy and content with my life. I have learned to enjoy life as it is; its sweetness blended with some bitter flavor and salty taste. Together, they made something good, great. A life without suffering will leave me shallow and insensitive. A life without discomfort and difficulties will leave me weak and unprepared for challenges that I may encounter. I do not like to suffer, neither would anyone, but I accept it as a necessary tool to deepen my experience of life and my relationship with God. Everything will eventually break, and I accept that. In the meantime, I will enjoy what I have at the moment and focus on seeking wisdom, courage, strength, and patience to help me pick up the pieces when the time comes. I am very thankful I have people to love, and I got to experience other people’s love. No one person could give me all that I need every time I need them. But God gave me many loving family and loyal friends, who gave me what they could, and together, my needs were always met. I always dream big, but I do not get them all. Life is too short, and the world is too small. There is not enough time to do them all, and not enough space to fit them all. But just because I dream it does not mean I need it. I am very content with what I have because God has always blessed me with more than what I needed and more than I deserved. Life as is, is great. I trust God to design it and manage it. All I have to do is accept it and enjoy it. That is not a bad deal.